English Guidance


CIC was established in 1983 to provide students with a more enjoyable, meaningful way of learning English at a reasonable cost. We move our teaching methods forward to meet the growing needs of our students.

Our early childhood education program (1 ~ 2 years old), introduces language at a key stage of learning to help parents raise mentally and physically healthy children.

We believe in the importance of self expression and offering new views in the global community.

Students broaden their knowledge over a wide range of themes to see things logically and critically. Our children learn how to collect and select important information that will help them succeed in bigger challenges. Building these skills in early education will prepare our graduates to adapt, achieve and contribute in our ever-changing world in the 21st century.

English will help us to communicate globally, simply learning through a test-driven culture does not meet this aim. Our goal is to use English with meaning and impact in our modern world. We use English throughout our curriculum to allow our students to convey their opinions in a clear, concise way. English is acquired naturally and enjoyably as we move through our school day.

Learning and using new language in early education has amazing results. Learners at this age have the unique ability to absorb information quickly and naturally, much like a ‘sponge’!! This inspired the early concept of our school. With our kindergarten classes started in 1993 (3 ~ 6 years old) and our pre-kindergarten classes (1 ~ 2 years old) formed in 1996.

Our vision is for our children is to express their own opinions and communicate their ideas in an interdependent world. Our school program continues to build self-esteem and social skills to produce graduates with confidence about their future steps in the world.


  • Pair school for One-year olds and Parents
  • Preschool for Two-year olds
  • English Kindergarten(3-5)
  • Follow-up Classes for kindergarten graduates and returnees
  • English classes for elementary school students
  • Overnight Summer Camp (only K5 students)
  • Spring and Summer Intensive English Courses
  • Private lessons


Recruitment is conducted through Gaijin Pot. Please check their website for recruitment updates.

Contact us

3-7-8 Shioya Wakamatsu-ku
Kitakyushu-shi Fukuoka Japan 808-0131